Friday, May 16, 2014

Minimum Wage and You

May 16 2014
The Minimum Wage and You

Some of of the largest corporations in America, corporations that earn billions of dollars a year in profits thank you for taking the load off of their backs. McDonalds, Wendy’s Burger King, Walmart, Dominoes and Yum Brands (Taco Bell, KFC Pizza Hut) spend millions to keep minimum wage legislation off the House floor while The CEOs of all these corporations earn tens of millions in compensation.
Full time workers 40hrs/wk at all of these companies are being paid $7.25/hr (about $18,000/year) The Fast Food Industry will try to tell you that these are teenagers trying earn a few bucks in an entry level job. They are lying. The average Fast Food worker is 29 years old.
These workers who get up every day and put in a full day’s work need SNAP (food stamps to feed their families and themselves). You pay for that. They are eligible for housing subsidies. You pay for that. In states (Republican controlled) that didn’t accept the Medicaid money from the Federal Government these workers don’t even qualify for the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare, and still must either use the ER for primary medical care (You pay for that) or they forego medical care.
From an economic standpoint, they have little money to spend beyond necessities and depress the local economy when they can’t buy from local merchants. They spend less on everything.
As all this goes on the Republicans call them “takers”, “moochers” and lazy. If you live in district with tea party Republicans as your representative in the statehouse or congress, send the smug bastards an email that it’s time these hard working people earn a decent wage for a day’s work. $10.10 is good start. Then again, you can ignore it all and continue to subsidize the real moochers — the multi billion dollar corporations that have made all of us their bottomless wallets by taking from the public in the name of ‘good business’ to subsidize their greed. What a sweet deal they have going.
You can have the last word in November.

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